Can Slow Steaming Save You Money?
Slow Steaming, Fuel Efficiency and the Environment
As fuel makes up a large part of a ship’s operating costs, many Ship owners are seeking ways of delivering fuel savings and often approach Martek Marineregarding how using our MariNOx™ engine emissions monitoring system can assist them in this process.
Within the document is a section concerning MARPOL Annex VI and the consequences of engine modifications which has a direct relevance for the MariNOx™engine emissions monitoring system:
“Inevitably, virtually any modification to a diesel engine’s component parts or settings, in order to meet the changed load requirements resulting fromslow steaming, will also affect the composition of the exhaust emissions and hence possibly its MARPOL Annex VI NOx compliance status…adopting the Direct
Measurement and Monitoring (DMM) method as an alternative Onboard NOx Verification Procedure for showing compliance, with the applicableengine speed related NOx limit, could be a viable option in some instances since, provided it can be shown that that value is complied with, there isno requirement to pre-approve either individual or combinations of modifications…components such as modified fuel injector nozzles and turbochargerparts or altered fuel pump timing settings can be readily introduced as required in order to meet current trading circumstances.”
We have made the whole document available for you to download as it contains a lot of information, not just about ship emissions monitoring,that we think will be of interest to you.
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